La Bella Roma Answers
Group 401
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The craft of making porcelain or earthenware.: Pottery
Hinder, restrain.: Inhibit
Foretell that something will happen in future.: Predict
Process of interlocking loops of yarn with a hook.: Crochet
Italian rice dish cooked in broth until creamy.: Risotto
Number defined as 1 followed by 9 zeros.: Billion
Cancels permissions or access rights.: Revokes
Destination of the virtuous in Greek mythology.: Elysium
Russian author of War and Peace.: Tolstoy
Small Greek restaurant or cafe.: Taverna
Very weak, insubstantial.: Tenuous
Furniture containing a concealed chamber pot.: Commode
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Morally corrupt.: Depraved
Alcoholic mixed drink.: Cocktail
Mystical adviser to Czar Nicholas II of Russia.: Rasputin
Losing consciousness.: Fainting
Ridiculous, preposterous.: Farcical
Outstanding tennis sisters Venus and Serena __.: Williams
City home to the Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore.: Florence
Small structure for drying plates on.: Dish rack
Sporadic, intermittent, periodic.: Episodic
Encourage, compel someone to do something.: Motivate
Kids who have escaped home.: Runaways
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Rises or grows rapidly.: Escalates
Person who moves scenery in theatrical productions.: Stagehand
Deeply engaging 3D experience, such as when gaming.: Immersive
Deception, two-facedness.: Duplicity
TV Adventures of the Ricardos and Mertzes.: I love lucy
Frequency range for transmitting internet signals.: Bandwidth
Tribe or clan leader.: Chieftain
Gargamel’s blue lady spy.: Smurfette
Rod Stewart hit about a fling with an older woman.: Maggie may
French maker of stilettos with red soles.: Louboutin
“Sweet” mountain peak located in Rio de Janeiro.: Sugar loaf
Organisations doing good works.: Charities
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The most glossy, most polished.: Shiniest
Cave of ____ has Paleolithic paintings, in Spain.: Altamira
Hungarian capital city on the Danube river.: Budapest
Nun dwellings.: Convents
Greedily, eagerly.: Hungrily
Lawbreaker.: Criminal
Radio frequencies for broadcasting.: Airwaves
Cut of a garment above the chest.: Neckline
Fastener for binding electric wires together.: Cable tie
Song by Queen: Bohemian __.: Rhapsody
Once upon a __ dreary: by Edgar Allan Poe.: Midnight
Snowstorm.: Blizzard
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Pieces of printed music.: Scores
Use this on Instagram to change a photo’s look.: Filter
Says hello.: Greets
Long choux bun has cream filling and chocolate top.: Eclair
Head-wrap worn by a Sikh.: Turban
Lotus __ S1, Bond’s car in The Spy Who Loved Me.: Esprit
A song’s refrain.: Chorus
Security.: Safety
Weapon that fires heavy iron balls.: Cannon
Illustrious __, Sherlock is approached by a royal.: Client
Roland __; Parisian Grand Slam tennis venue.: Garros
Stella __, Belgian pilsner.: Artois
Group 402
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Husband of Mary, the mother of Jesus.: Joseph
Leave.: Depart
Capital of Cook Islands.: Avarua
He pulled the trigger.: Gunman
Breakfast tart with eggs and fillings.: Quiche
__ Pete, nickname of tennis player Sampras.: Pistol
Not in front.: Behind
Equines.: Horses
Showy, glamorous, sparkly.: Glitzy
Flat, polished sides of a diamond.: Facets
Composer called “The Poet of the Piano”.: Chopin
Japanese art form of small trees.: Bonsai
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Exploding, like a cork from a bottle.: Popping
Word formed by rearranging the letters of another.: Anagram
Ancient light source, no electricity.: Oil lamp
Bram Stoker’s famous vampire.: Dracula
Primary patron saint of Ireland: St. __.: Patrick
The level of sourness, e.g. of a food or substance.: Acidity
Tennis played with one player each side of the net.: Singles
Unseen prompt for actors, held off screen.: Cue card
Field of fruit trees.: Orchard
Queasy, nauseous.: Bilious
Director of the Italian film Nights of Cabiria.: Fellini
Singer Niall Horan’s native country.: Ireland
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Actor John __; played T-Birds’ leader in Grease.: Travolta
Shined to a glossy finish.: Polished
Pleads.: Implores
One who subscribes to another’s tweets.: Follower
Leonardo __ was The Wolf of Wall Street.: Dicaprio
Spectacularly embarrassing mistake.: Epic fail
Tube leading from the outer to inner hearing organ.: Ear canal
Lemongrass helps treat this scaly scalp condition.: Dandruff
Type of restaurant most likely to serve sushi.: Japanese
Former name for Zambia and Zimbabwe.: Rhodesia
Fundamental component.: Mainstay
Element with the chemical symbol Pt.: Platinum
Love song, used to court someone.: Serenade
Clyde __, US astronomer who discovered Pluto in 1930.: Tombaugh
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Chastising.: Scolding
Coin-operated communication.: Pay phone
Kelly and Jack’s heavy metal singer dad, Ozzy __.: Osbourne
Relating to the Greek capital.: Athenian
Thin tissue-sheet boundary in a living organism.: Membrane
Well-spoken, articulate.: Eloquent
St Peter’s __; focal point of the Vatican City.: Basilica
Birds found on the coast.: Seagulls
Athletic event of leaping across sand area.: Long jump
Sleeping platform with a liquid mattress.: Water bed
Noise-making vehicle anti-theft mechanism.: Car alarm
Viral reactivation of the chickenpox virus.: Shingles
Chinese system for placing objects in a room.: Feng shui
Since birth, lasting all one’s years.: Lifelong
Register of people present.: Roll call
Person who brings goods into a county in bulk.: Importer
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Risky.: Dangerous
__ Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby.: Talladega
__ Willie, Mickey’s first film, released in 1928.: Steamboat
Traditional greeting of business people.: Hand shake
Not pleasant to look at.: Unsightly
People from Bucharest are __.: Romanians
Little __ are fibs meant to do no harm.: White lies
Daily prophecy or advice based on the zodiac.: Horoscope
Fascinated, curious about.: Intrigued
Elvis Presley’s actress wife.: Priscilla
Group 403
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Struggle, brawl.: Tussle
Innocence; freedom from contamination.: Purity
What Iran was called formerly.: Persia
Ocean where walruses are concentrated.: Arctic
Fast-moving river area.: Rapids
A __ tweet stays at the top of a feed.: Pinned
Thrill of victory, the agony of __.: Defeat
Green guy who stole Christmas.: Grinch
__ Franklin, Queen of Soul.: Aretha
__ infection; disease caused by spores.: Fungal
Forested wetlands along the Mississippi.: Swamps
__ Fleece, found on the flying ram of Aries.: Golden
Barney and Betty’s last name in the Flintstones.: Rubble
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Exploit.: Overwork
Extra big bed, fit for a male monarch.: King size
Nationality of a native of Tirana.: Albanian
Hamlet’s stepfather who is also his uncle.: Claudius
Idly chattering, like a brook.: Babbling
Jon __; comic strip cat Garfield’s owner.: Arbuckle
Photos of a designer’s seasonal collection.: Look book
Italian tomato sauce.: Marinara
Inundated with water.: Engulfed
Mecca’s most distinguished historical figure.: Muhammad
Under __ by Queen.: Pressure
Finds a solution, settles a dispute.: Resolves
Flap of skin underneath the tongue.: Frenulum
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Vastness of size, enormity.: Immensity
Closed the window doors on a shop.: Shuttered
This Venetian beauty elopes with Othello.: Desdemona
Loved and protected.: Cherished
French torch-song singer of La Vie en rose.: Edith piaf
Rodent with quills.: Porcupine
Insatiable.: Voracious
__ wraps; don’t give away a secret.: Keep under
Shining, making something glisten.: Polishing
Tennis penalty when serving on a baseline.: Foot fault
Flavian Amphitheatre in Rome.: Colosseum
Samhainophobia is the fear of this.: Halloween
Greek dramatist of the Bacchae and Orestes.: Euripides
__ up, fried eggs with the yoke showing.: Sunnyside
Followers and fans of Justin Bieber.: Beliebers
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In the open air; outdoors (Italian).: Alfresco
Holy or consecrated.: Hallowed
Doggedly chasing.: Hounding
Power tool associated with Texas massacre movies.: Chainsaw
Geological time period of the first dinosaurs.: Triassic
Sessions during which auditions are held.: Castings
Nero’s great uncle who adopted him.: Claudius
Day of the week of the Travolta’s Night Fever.: Saturday
Fried squid dish.: Calamari
Katana-wielding Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.: Leonardo
Tasks to be tackled, written in order of priority.: To do list
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Ponte __; medieval stone bridge in Florence.: Vecchio
Singer with Fenty beauty line of makeup.: Rihanna
Brighten, become happier.: Gladden
Filthier, grubbier.: Dirtier
Metal cap worn to protect against needle pinches.: Thimble
Large spotted wild cat.: Leopard
Month in which Libras and some Scorpios are born.: October
Make an image more in focus.: Sharpen
Flat Italian pasta sheets.: Lasagna
Walked in step, like a soldier.: Marched
Series of Japanese animated films with Pikachu.: Pokemon
Photo taken upon arrest.: Mugshot
Group 404
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Capital letters.: Uppercase
__ your mind; a mental burden eased.: Weight off
Gravemarker with inscription.: Headstone
Istanbul even before it was Constantinople.: Byzantium
Oddly, weirdly.: Bizarrely
Grippy footwear worn on nautical vessels.: Boat shoes
Primary hub city for Lufthansa Airlines.: Frankfurt
Food regime with zero animal products.: Vegan diet
Il __, a Verdi opera about a troubadour.: Trovatore
Oval-banked cycling track.: Velodrome
Ash __, first day of Lent.: Wednesday
Giant brick construction ordered by Shi Huangdi.: Great wall
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Hans Christian Andersen tale: The __ and the Pea.: Princess
Leave one’s country and resettle elsewhere.: Emigrate
Answering people’s tweets or messages.: Replying
Resident of a house, a tenant or dweller.: Occupant
Gap between the teeth.: Diastema
ABBA-themed musical film and stage show.: Mamma mia
Hiding game enjoyed by babies.: Peekaboo
Tied-back hairstyle.: Ponytail
Strong Roman god.: Hercules
Palpable, can be touched.: Tangible
Specialist in the scientific study of plants.: Botanist
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Hole in mountain or hill that can grow speleothems.: Cavern
Richard __, traveled to Mecca; namesake of actor.: Burton
__ saints; every place has their own.: Patron
Japanese organized crime syndicate, like the Mafia.: Yakuza
Distressing or urgent situations.: Crises
Fourth astrological sign in the Zodiac.: Cancer
An optical illusion in the desert.: Mirage
Famous for its shell-shaped roof: __ Opera House.: Sydney
Traditional Japanese dramatic performance.: Kabuki
Egyptian god of the underworld.: Osiris
Dog.: Canine
Deep blue colour.: Indigo
__ pastries, assorted yeasty breakfast treats.: Danish
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Prospero’s young daughter in The Tempest.: Miranda
Ocean that is the largest on Earth.: Pacific
David’s successor at the end of 1 Chronicles.: Solomon
Face powder case with built-in mirror.: Compact
Long pole with weights at either end.: Barbell
Reprimanded for bad behaviour.: Scolded
How most UK monarchs are now addressed: Your __.: Majesty
Severe.: Chronic
Only living species of the acinonyx genus.: Cheetah
Awarding a mark for an assignment.: Grading
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He delivered newsprint to your door.: Paperboy
Forming plans or a writer constructing a story.: Plotting
___ Lacus; Roman name for Lake Lugano.: Ceresius
Compelling attractiveness.: Charisma
Making a heavy, metallic noise.: Clanking
Lotion used to relieve itchiness.: Calamine
Old, heavy sailing ships.: Galleons
The Godfather and Scarface actor.: Al pacino
Large swelling luminous star with cool surface.: Red giant
Spirits or spectres.: Phantoms
Wet weather to save money for.: Rainy day
Group 405
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Portable exercise weight.: Dumbbell
Venomous flat fish with long, thin tail.: Stingray
Lawless, instruction less.: Ruleless
Papers with adhesive backing, for pricing goods.: Stickers
Second-level pilot checks for software programs.: Beta test
Not scared, courageous, intrepid.: Fearless
Spanish word for pharmacy.: Farmacia
Cave of the __, huge transclucent shards in Mexico.: Crystals
__ an Egyptian; 1986 smash hit for The Bangles.: Walk like
Landlocked country linked to the origin of coffee.: Ethiopia
Was hired to work for a company.: Employed
Jungle Book movie birds modelled after The Beatles.: Vultures
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May or may not be successful.: Hit or miss
Stringed instruments, similar to lutes.: Mandolins
Member of the rabbit or hare family.: Lagomorph
Green colour named after a type of nut.: Pistachio
What the “A” stands for in the diagnosis ADHD.: Attention
Natural feature, e.g. Niagara.: Waterfall
Tennis __ saw the birth of the French constitution.: Court oath
Noticed, perceived.: Discerned
Harmless, safe.: Innocuous
In television: not on screen.: Off camera
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Halted.: Stopped
Def __, British heavy metal band.: Leppard
Painting style with thick layers of paint applied.: Impasto
Sent unwanted emails to users.: Spammed
Mess, untidy proliferation.: Clutter
Short story by Oscar Wilde: The __ Giant.: Selfish
Audible sign of possible sleep apnea.: Snoring
No longer existing, no longer useful.: Defunct
Place of significant activity; popular hangout.: Hotspot
Northern and southern hemisphere divider.: Equator
Using another’s phrase or saying.: Quoting
Toasted bread cube found in salads.: Crouton
One fourth part.: Quarter
Showing sincere and intense conviction.: Earnest
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Humbled, made to feel guilty publicly.: Shamed
Light meal accompaniment, with lettuce, cucumber.: Salads
River that flows through Baghdad.: Tigris
To have put a barrier around animals.: Fenced
To deny an accusation.: Refute
Appearances, pretenses, costumes.: Guises
Family ruling Florence for most of the Renaissance.: Medici
__ and Jake Gyllenhaal, acting siblings.: Maggie
Country where Leon Trotsky was assassinated.: Mexico
A mule is created by mating a horse and a __.: Donkey
White hat worn by MJ in Smooth Criminal video.: Fedora
Bird depicted as the head of Egyptian god Horus.: Falcon
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Popular red fruits grown in home gardens.: Tomatoes
Broad, strongly built.: Heavyset
Glass bottle used to serve wine.: Decanter
Settler of a new country.: Colonist
Programs used on a computer, e.g. games.: Software
The amount of tasks to be completed for one’s job.: Workload
Conning someone.: Tricking
Well-educated people who are interested in books.: Literati
Famous waterfall on the Zimbabwe-Zambia border.: Victoria
__ whale, aerially active breaching mammal.: Humpback
An active hit for Olivia Newton-John in 1981.: Physical
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Set apart from all the rest.: Segregate
Power outages, when electric lights fail.: Blackouts
Thick, cool and flavoured fast-food drink.: Milkshake
Author Gabriel Garcia Marquez’ nationality.: Colombian
Deaf German classical composer.: Beethoven
Term for a plant that lives more than two years.: Perennial
Plane-jumping sport.: Skydiving
Yellow metal, symbol Sr, used in cathode ray tubes.: Strontium
Philosopher to whom Kong Miao Temple is dedicated.: Confucius
Not a fake, the genuine article.: Real mccoy
Explains in clear detail.: Clarifies
Ice crystals that form a circle around the sun.: Solar halo
Principal wife of the pharaoh Akhenaten: Queen __.: Nefertiti
Calming tea herb.: Chamomile
To speak or act on behalf of someone else.: Intercede
Put money into a bank account.: Deposited
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Larger body from which 12 jurors are chosen.: Jury pool
Pills, tablets.: Capsules
Early Beatles drummer, often titled the 5th Beatle.: Pete best
Athletes who clear obstacles.: Hurdlers
Sofa accessories.: Cushions
Due or planned to happen at a certain time.: Expected
Able to be carried.: Portable
Dark red, polished hardwood for furniture.: Mahogany
Car that races over a quarter mile.: Dragster
Cook who is in charge in the kitchen.: Head chef
Outshines, overshadows.: Eclipses
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Anatomical term for tailbone.: Coccyx
Use it to clear out the snow.: Shovel
Get a message across.: Convey
Largest country in area in the Northern hemisphere.: Russia
Green tea powder.: Matcha
Longs for.: Yearns
Not senior.: Junior
Ancient military leader of the Huns.: Attila
Dora the Explorer antagonist.: Swiper
Little __ of Fourteen Years, by Edgar Degas.: Dancer
Footwear label that Victoria Beckham designs for.: Reebok
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Acceptability.: Adequacy
English nursery rhyme: “Mary, Mary, Quite __”.: Contrary
Smearing ink.: Smudging
Making air-filled spheres; boiling.: Bubbling
Avoidance of reality through fantasy/entertainment.: Escapism
Brazil’s capital (not Rio de Janeiro).: Brasilia
In the __ hemisphere, spring begins in September.: Southern
Prevents illness or bad luck from harming you.: Wards off
Sauce tossed onto salad to add flavour.: Dressing
Slow-moving ice mountains.: Glaciers
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Share someone’s Twitter musings to your followers.: Retweet
Conducted yourself politely.: Behaved
Brown dot on skin.: Freckle
Physicist had a sound waves effect named after him.: Doppler
Journeys.: Voyages
Japanese island where karate originated.: Okinawa
__ Pilate, Roman governor who judged Jesus.: Pontius
Historical document collection.: Archive
Modus __; Latin phrase meaning way of life.: Vivendi
Wilted, flopped.: Drooped
Moet et __, French champagne house.: Chandon
Group 407
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Another word for prepared wood.: Timber
Lake __, turquoise lake & resort in Alberta, CA.: Louise
Bay of __; gulf of the Atlantic bordering France.: Biscay
Steer violently around something.: Swerve
Featured instrument in Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons.: Violin
The swaying gait of ducks.: Waddle
Confirm to be true.: Verify
Robert __ was a Taxi Driver in 1976.: De niro
Miss __, Vietnam love story about Madame Butterfly.: Saigon
Velvety-tasting, like a carbonara.: Creamy
A market in a Middle Eastern country.: Bazaar
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Invention that inspired the first opera glasses.: Telescope
To discuss the terms of an agreement via debate.: Negotiate
South Asian flat staple served with curries.: Naan bread
Musical movie soundtrack.: Film score
Canadian Pacific isle with its capital at Victoria.: Vancouver
Thickness of a liquid.: Viscosity
First Nobel Prize for Literature winner: Sully __.: Prudhomme
Sudden memory of a past experience.: Flashback
Containers for saws, hammers, drills etc.: Toolboxes
British band created by Simon Cowell: One __.: Direction
St Peter’s earthly profession.: Fisherman
Indigestion.: Heartburn
Wassily __, Russian abstract painter.: Kandinsky
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Like a phantom, ghostly.: Ghoulish
Stripes, checks, polka dots, floral are all these.: Patterns
Pertaining to the self; __ planets, inner planets.: Personal
What the E stands for in a record format EP.: Extended
Material draped around windows and drawn shut.: Curtains
Autonomous community in north-west Spain.: Asturias
Make a claim retrospectively valid.: Backdate
Followed closely, observing work practices.: Shadowed
Type of melon and a scientific Muppet character.: Honeydew
Weather condition estimate.: Forecast
Microsoft’s online file-hosting service.: One drive
As American or as British as this fruity pastry.: Apple pie
Evergreen tree offspring.: Pinecone
Beach-based drama series with lifeguard action.: Baywatch
Feeling elated.: Euphoric
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In Greek mythology, the city founded by Queen Dido.: Carthage
Coming out from cover.: Emerging
Spots on buildings for aircraft to land.: Helipads
A picture is worth this many words.: Thousand
Laboratory substance.: Chemical
Strips of stickiness to catch summer insects.: Flypaper
You’re in here if in disgrace (one for canines!).: Doghouse
Puts forward a plan.: Proposes
Makes officially valid, like a treaty.: Ratifies
Strips of material to wrap a wound.: Bandages
Breathe this in when you are outdoors.: Fresh air
World’s second largest landlocked country by area.: Mongolia
Degree earner.: Graduate
Term for inflammation of the substance of a bone.: Osteitis
Beta-__, red-orange pigment found in carrots.: Carotene
Touching a football with your arm, by accident.: Hand ball
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Avoiding the question.: Evasive
Hobbling.: Limping
Sailor.: Mariner
Vertical strip at the left or right of a website.: Sidebar
Likes one thing over another.: Prefers
Arrow holsters.: Quivers
US postal cipher at the end of an address.: Zip code
Visible African country from Straits of Gibraltar.: Morocco
Title or address of a married Italian lady.: Signora
Puzzle-loving Batman adversary.: Riddler
In fashion; a 90s R&B female group.: En vogue
Tibetan, Neapolitan, & English breeds of this dog.: Mastiff
Mint compound from peppermint oil used in cigs.: Menthol
Slanting or sloping line; side abdominal muscle.: Oblique
Group 408
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Soft, squishy item for washing your body.: Sponge
Japanese robe closed with an obi.: Kimono
Put upside down or in the opposite position.: Invert
Frightened.: Scared
Closest Caribbean island to Florida.: Bimini
Chinese astrology animal with floppy ears.: Rabbit
The main course, in US.: Entree
Largest hot desert in the world.: Sahara
Agatha Christie’s character, detective Hercule __.: Poirot
Fine parchment made from the skin of a calf.: Vellum
A solution of salt in water.: Saline
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Insect that makes a noise by rubbing its wings.: Cricket
Rocket launcher.: Bazooka
Your father’s father.: Grandpa
Sugar in milk products many people can’t tolerate.: Lactose
Sporting boat race.: Regatta
Water __, another name for Aquarius.: Carrier
Woodland areas under threat from being cut down.: Forests
Official language of Belize.: English
A bold or daring act.: Exploit
Extreme tiredness, exhaustion.: Fatigue
Commonplace, ordinary, expected.: Typical
Roman god of wine.: Bacchus
Business tycoon.: Magnate
Highest mountain in Greece.: Olympus
Author of the novel “Bleak House”: Charles __.: Dickens
Frilly gathers of material that decorate clothes.: Ruffles
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Brazilian black bean stew.: Feijoada
Getting older and wiser.: Maturing
Place of abode.: Dwelling
Nut-hoarding animal.: Squirrel
The capital of South Carolina.: Columbia
Jacques __, French sailor and underwater explorer.: Cousteau
Ceremony for driving out evil spirits.: Exorcism
Applied a dressing to a wound.: Bandaged
City where Catherine de Medici was born.: Florence
Ecclesiastical districts with churches.: Parishes
Tennessee ‘good stuff’ summer festival.: Bonnaroo
Term for Carnival season in Greece.: Apokreas
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State of being usual, common, natural.: Normalcy
Surgical cutting of nerves in the brain.: Lobotomy
Longest reigning Roman emperor.: Augustus
Mountain range along the entire Italian peninsula.: Apennine
A chance occurrence.: Fortuity
Nationality of one from the city of Sucre.: Bolivian
Jose __, tenor singer with Domingo and Pavarotti.: Carreras
Maximum extent across the arms of a plane.: Wingspan
Filipino professional boxer, Manny __.: Pacquiao
The occasion of a person’s birth.: Nativity
The most expensive.: Priciest
Found in Chinese cookies.: Fortunes
Cold cabbage side dish.: Coleslaw
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Looming close, approaching.: Impending
Breeze that hits perpendicularly.: Crosswind
Ride of the __ by Wagner.: Valkyries
First ancient people known to use hieroglyphics.: Egyptians
Encouraged, given the impetus to go ahead.: Motivated
Devoted support.: Adherence
Artificial sugary addition or payment as a bribe.: Sweetener
Kim __, Belgian tennis star of the 2000s.: Clijsters
The Netherlands’ capital.: Amsterdam
Kevin McCallister fends off robbers by himself.: Home alone
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Disease typically associated with hyperglycemia.: Diabetes
Cloth for drying dishes.: Tea towel
The smallest trace, only just visible.: Faintest
ABBA song about Napoleon.: Waterloo
Rio’s biggest festival.: Carnival
Former Roman temple, now a church.: Pantheon
Salad in Italian.: Insalata
Belize, before it gained independence: British __.: Honduras
They grow up to be kings of the jungle.: Lion cubs
Wildlife hit by traffic on the highway.: Road kill
__ fields, swathes of purply bushes in Provence.: Lavender
Latrine shack.: Outhouse
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A fluid- or air-filled cavity or sac in the body.: Vesicle
Dolce & __, Light Blue perfume makers.: Gabbana
__ wage, lowest legal rate of pay.: Minimum
Enclosure for babies for fun and games.: Playpen
Worth a thousand words.: Picture
Main Cretan town, built with a huge palace.: Knossos
paper-folding, the Japanese way.: Origami
Italian town squares.: Piazzas
Moveable wardrobe, often antique.: Armoire
Wriggling fly larvae.: Maggots
Creator of the Mongolian Empire: __ Khan.: Genghis
__ Clay; birth name of boxing legend Muhammad Ali.: Cassius
Compound that is the main component of cane sugar.: Sucrose
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Creator or maintainer of online content and sites.: Webmaster
Hugging.: Embracing
Fear of bees.: Apiphobia
Machine that produces electricity.: Generator
Eva Peron was married to this country’s president.: Argentina
Making it to the end zone with ball in hand.: Touchdown
Shone an image onto a screen.: Projected
Raise the stakes.: Up the ante
Longest skeletal part of the leg (not technical).: Thighbone
Yellow __, Beatles album and film of 1968/9.: Submarine
Ancient Egyptian queen.: Cleopatra
Holiday that occurs the day before Boxing Day.: Christmas
Feeling of intense dislike.: Animosity
Medicinal sweet to aid sore throats.: Cough drop
Country of the natural wonder Uluru (Ayers Rock).: Australia
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Busy.: Occupied
Signed off Merrie Melodies with That’s All, Folks!.: Porky pig
Another name for adults, when talking with kids.: Grown ups
Show to be wrong or false.: Disprove
Stop subscribing to someone’s Twitter feed.: Unfollow
__ Things by the Duff Brothers.: Stranger
Film actress originally from South Africa: __ Theron.: Charlize
Italian hard almond biscuits.: Biscotti
Pot for making hollandaise.: Saucepan
Grating, irritating.: Annoying
Mexican carnival-style music festival.: Bahidora
Second-largest city in Peru.: Arequipa
Releasing gas from the mouth after a heavy meal.: Belching
A patient person can wait for cows to do this.: Come home
Pirate’s company onboard.: Crewmate
Fixing a hole in cloth with more cloth.: Patching
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Better known name of the Greek god Loxius.: Apollo
Capital city of Saudi Arabia.: Riyadh
Someone who is in jail.: Inmate
Glares, frowns, glowers.: Scowls
Thin, white fungal coating, grows on damp clothes.: Mildew
__-me-not, borage plant with small blue flowers.: Forget
__ Conan Doyle, writer of Sherlock Holmes tales.: Arthur
Occasions, ceremonies, things that are happening.: Events
Meghan –, since May 2018 Duchess of Sussex.: Markle
Paul Francois __ led a coup against Robespierre.: Barras
They could be blue or beluga.: Whales
Disney mouse.: Mickey
Someone who is extremely talented or admired.: Phenom
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Emotion, feeling, nostalgia.: Sentiment
Daisy-family plant, its extracts said to aid colds.: Echinacea
Based on random choice.: Arbitrary
Little inhabitants of Emerald City.: Munchkins
Sweaters with buttons down the front.: Cardigans
Stretchy trousers used for exercise or meditation.: Yoga pants
What comes from a tap marked C.: Cold water
City birthplace of the four Beatles.: Liverpool
Zero __, policing system with strict policies.: Tolerance
Depicted or represented.: Portrayed
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Vision, hallucination.: Illusion
Walks unsteadily and giddily.: Staggers
State of having no hair.: Baldness
Less than half the whole.: Minority
Spanish island where Rafael Nadal was born.: Mallorca
Orchestral composition featuring soloists.: Concerto
Places where grapes are processed.: Wineries
Volcano that destroyed Herculaneum: Mt. __.: Vesuvius
Close friend of Harry Potter: __ Granger.: Hermione
Selecting and organizing items in a collection.: Curating
Ability to keep afloat in water.: Buoyancy
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Hawaiian volcano, the world’s most active.: Kilauea
Former Berlin wall crossing point: Checkpoint __.: Charlie
Behind home plate in baseball.: Catcher
Presumed cause of the Plague of Athens: __ fever.: Typhoid
Act or show off.: Perform
The fallen angel.: Lucifer
Bathroom directly joined to a bedroom.: En suite
Air __ control; green light for flights to depart.: Traffic
Not nice.: Naughty
Threatening.: Ominous
Diffidence, timidity.: Shyness
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__ baby! Utterance of 60s archetype Austin Powers.: Groovy
Right place to find Hispanic groceries.: Bodega
Someone who enjoys cigars or cigarettes.: Smoker
Salsa aficionado; ballroom mover.: Dancer
__ bar, cereal snack that gives you a boost.: Energy
An account has been __ when accessed illegally.: Hacked
National animal of Canada.: Beaver
The weaver in A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Nick __.: Bottom
Ship for catching large mammals.: Whaler
Natural material that baskets are made from.: Wicker
Long, narrow sea inlets bordered by steep cliffs.: Fjords
Season when the Wimbledon tournaments take place.: Summer
__ boot, term for latex, waterproof footwear.: Rubber
Capital of the Bahamas.: Nassau
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Wooden window coverings.: Shutters
The decade of Madonna.: Eighties
Formal observance or celebration.: Ceremony
Eastern Namibia desert.: Kalahari
Only barely, thinly.: Narrowly
Ruler of Haiti from 1957 to 1971.: Duvalier
Like a house in need of frequent, costly repairs.: Moneypit
Circular conveyor of luggage in an airport.: Carousel
Beta __; blood pressure-reducing medications.: Blockers
Katniss __ of The Hunger Games.: Everdeen
Group 411
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People told to leave a place for safety.: Evacuees
__ of Venice by William Shakespeare.: Merchant
Spain’s “Catholic Monarchs”: Ferdinand and __.: Isabella
Caviar fish.: Sturgeon
These are for standing on, after a shower.: Bathmats
Poster advertising a theatrical performance.: Playbill
Beatles LP featuring Taxman and Eleanor Rigby.: Revolver
She brings your order at a diner.: Waitress
Unexpected event.: Surprise
Homeless wanderer.: Vagabond
Former Hostess sponge cake with cream filling.: Twinkies
Capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.: Kinshasa
France’s July 14th celebration, ___ Day.: Bastille
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Newspaper bosses.: Editors
Smaller-sized products for testing.: Samples
Ursula __ portrayed Vesper Lynd in Casino Royale.: Andress
Soap spheres.: Bubbles
Patriarch of the Jewish people, father of Isaac.: Abraham
Distinctive, colourful facial feature of a clown.: Red nose
Destructive wind storm with funnel-shaped cloud.: Tornado
Sneer, forced smile.: Grimace
To progress to the next stage in a video game.: Level up
Founder of the Royal Philharmonic: Sir Thomas __.: Beecham
Small, dark, sour cherry.: Morello
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Wrist restraints for an arrested criminal.: Handcuffs
Antarctica’s largest island, named for a czar.: Alexander
A residence for monks.: Monastery
Examples of this include a potato and a carrot.: Vegetable
Thinks up an idea.: Conceives
Grievance about a shop-bought item.: Complaint
Scientific techniques used to solve a crime.: Forensics
Timing device for sporting events.: Stopwatch
Priestess of Apollo whose prophecies were doubted.: Cassandra
Australian parrot with orange cheek circles.: Cockatiel
Turns against, behaves treacherously.: Backstabs
Wild, drunken celebration.: Bacchanal
The lamp that illuminates the star act on stage.: Spotlight
Not showing care for the consequences of an action.: Imprudent
The medical test abbreviated BMP: Basic __ Panel.: Metabolic
Director of first non-silent British feature film.: Hitchcock
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Handy for a certain purpose.: Useful
Soviet dictator who created the USSR.: Stalin
French word for “chicken”.: Poulet
A tight grasp.: Clutch
A sockeye is this kind of fish.: Salmon
Apply these to stop a car moving.: Brakes
Witty exchanges.: Banter
Contemporary style, often simplistic, up to date.: Modern
David and Victoria Beckham’s daughter.: Harper
Hindu festival of lights.: Diwali
Where Guinness beer comes from.: Dublin
Bite the __.: Bullet
No Matter What Sign __, Diana Ross & the Supremes.: You are
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Savoury mince, shaped and baked in the oven.: Meatloaf
To have brought contraband into the country.: Smuggled
__ spaniel; lively, energetic gun dog breed.: Springer
Abhors, shuns.: Deplores
Mating and production of offspring in animals.: Breeding
Unpleasant, nasty, disgusting.: Horrible
Duke of Milan in Shakespeare’s The Tempest.: Prospero
Elbow-shaped pasta.: Macaroni
Sudden destabilising symptom of vertigo.: Head rush
Tropical islands found south of India.: Maldives
To be immature.: Childish
Leader of the Decepticons in Transformers.: Megatron
Complain about, vent out loud.: Sound off
Delicate pattern of silver or gold wire.: Filigree
Boxing training without hard blows.: Sparring
Group 412
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Flogging.: Whipping
A given criminal’s behavior pattern: “modus __”.: Operandi
Capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina.: Sarajevo
Month when British people celebrate Bonfire Night.: November
Knives and other eating utensils.: Flatware
Tangy citrus juice.: Lemonade
Deplete ocean stocks by catching too many.: Overfish
__ Fighter, mixed martial arts competition.: Ultimate
It can house fresh water or salt water fish.: Aquarium
Busiest, most happening part of a city.: Downtown
Daughter of Oedipus; story by Cocteau and Anouilh.: Antigone
Defeat in a battle, subdue, overcome.: Vanquish
Criticize harshly.: Lambaste
Former name for Microsoft OneDrive.: Skydrive
Causing an injury.: Wounding
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Top cash prize in a competition or lottery.: Jackpot
Bridge-like structure with arches across a valley.: Viaduct
Responded.: Replied
Scottish knitwear brand with diamond pattern.: Pringle
Remote Australian bush land.: Outback
Tony Stark’s alter ego.: Iron man
Male on-court retriever in tennis.: Ballboy
Greek stew of meat and onions.: Stifado
Stacked sleeping arrangements.: Bunk bed
Mark on the skin.: Blemish
Spiritual leaders with special healing abilities.: Shamans
Claire de Lune composer.: Debussy
Long locks of hair.: Tresses
Goes back, retreats.: Recedes
Mixes with water to make less concentrated.: Dilutes
The practice of growing food to sell.: Farming
Novel featuring the character of Leopold Bloom.: Ulysses
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Tool used to drive nails into wood.: Hammer
__ Carey bought Marilyn Monroe’s baby grand piano.: Mariah
A divine utterance delivered to man.: Oracle
Style of popular music featuring rap.: Hip hop
Invented, untrue, fictional.: Made up
Creme __, vanilla cream with burnt topping.: Brulee
Threaten or endanger, like Dennis the __.: Menace
Edge, outskirts – or UK word for “bangs”.: Fringe
Add-on software component.: Plugin
Thin layer of wood as a decorative surface.: Veneer
Hebrew word of greeting or taking leave.: Shalom
Body part that includes the pharnyx and larynx.: Throat
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Emotional responses.: Reactions
Thin, flat writing material used in medieval times.: Parchment
Film: Whoopi Goldberg disguises herself as a nun.: Sister act
Occur, arise.: Transpire
Revolving tray for food placed in a table’s centre.: Lazy susan
Passionately, eagerly, intensely.: Fervently
People who can cast out demons or spirits.: Exorcists
Goods that are wrapped before sale.: Prepacked
Describes people who are active after dark.: Night owls
Old English fairy tale: Jack and the __.: Beanstalk
Name given to St Petersburg between 1914 and 1924.: Petrograd
Compilations of songs in a particular order.: Playlists
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Fabric pieces sewn on fabric to create a pattern.: Applique
Bar fighters.: Brawlers
Overthrowing an official.: Deposing
How the Spanish say 40.: Cuarenta
Reluctance to go through with: chilly extremities.: Cold feet
Major football stadium in Rio de Janeiro.: Maracana
The __: yellow cartoon family from Springfield.: Simpsons
Italian coffee sweet translates as “cheer me up”.: Tiramisu
Capital of Liberia.: Monrovia
Like a drum beat.: Rhythmic
Frequently, most often.: Commonly
Flight to __, the capture of the fleeing Louis XVI.: Varennes
Marvel Comics superhero group.: Avengers
People who give up easily.: Quitters
The sky over a particular country or territory.: Airspace
Group 413
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Woody and Buzz Lightyear want to be the favorite.: Toy story
Learning disorder, causes difficulty with reading.: Dyslexia
Sending unsolicited, annoying emails.: Spamming
Someone who is rotten to the core.: Bad apple
International __, mark at the 180th meridian.: Date line
Accepts something as true.: Concedes
Green vegetable that’s like a little tree.: Broccoli
Spotted herbivores with long necks.: Giraffes
Imaginative.: Creative
Where green citrus fruits grow.: Lime tree
Magnifying symbol of a sleuth at work.: Spyglass
Unnaturally high singing voice.: Falsetto
Spanish actor who voiced Puss in Boots.: Banderas
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Heaps, piles.: Stacks
Crime of robbery on the high seas.: Piracy
__ scooper, device for picking up doggy droppings.: Pooper
Sharp, quick-thinking.: Astute
Whirling mass of water or air.: Vortex
Cured Italian pork sausage cut into circles.: Salami
Triangular bone at base of spine.: Sacrum
Tweaking guitar strings for harmonious play.: Tuning
Mislead, trick someone into believing lies.: Delude
Collie from Eric Knight’s children’s books.: Lassie
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Annoyance, cause of discomfort.: Irritant
Solidified; became tougher.: Hardened
Popular Broadway musical about US founding father.: Hamilton
Eggs __, dish of eggs, muffin, ham and hollandaise.: Benedict
Glasses that work for near and distant vision.: Bifocals
Based in reason and logic.: Rational
Dress with material missing behind.: Backless
Forename of Virginia Woolf’s Mrs Dalloway.: Clarissa
Fluid surrounding an unborn child.: Amniotic
Consecutive numbers with the same difference.: Sequence
__ Hall, New York classical music venue.: Carnegie
How many sports games are started, involves money.: Coin toss
Robin __, voice of the Genie in Aladdin.: Williams
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England’s top goal scorer in the 2018 World Cup.: Harry kane
Method, process.: Technique
Lovable cartoon Great Dane.: Marmaduke
Oscar winning actress in La Vie en Rose: Marion __.: Cotillard
Three foot measuring tool.: Yardstick
Trustworthy, with a good societal standing.: Reputable
Having great future possibilities.: Potential
Teacher or educator, especially when pedantic.: Pedagogue
Seville orange conserve served thickly on toast.: Marmalade
Tiny silicon element in a computer circuit.: Microchip
Rain protectors.: Umbrellas
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Loss of ability to understand or produce speech.: Aphasia
Paper tissue brand name that is now generic.: Kleenex
Rory’s mother in Gilmore Girls.: Lorelai
Composer of the opera “La Boheme”.: Puccini
Fall quickly from a height.: Plummet
Copper __, blue fungicide aka Roman Vitrol.: Sulfate
Cracked, roughened, reddened skin.: Chapped
Cream filled tubular pastry from Sicily.: Cannoli
Colors of __; song from Disney’s Pocahontas.: The wind
Feathers on a bird.: Plumage
Usain Bolt’s Caribbean island nation.: Jamaica
Group 414
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French term for a wine barrel.: Barrique
Largest city in the southern hemisphere.: Sao paulo
Filling to the point of overflowing.: Brimming
Motivates.: Inspires
Essential substance found in sunlight exposure.: Vitamin d
__ Love; wife of Nirvana’s Kurt Cobain.: Courtney
Elevated city railway.: Monorail
Something worn between hand and arm, or on a glove.: Wristlet
Shouting out of turn at a trial: in __ of court.: Contempt
Carrie the writer; Terry the sports commentator.: Bradshaw
A metal or ceramic container for melting ores.: Crucible
Precious metal hammered into thin sheets.: Goldleaf
Beliefs/principles about the governance of nations.: Politics
What twigs are attached to.: Branches
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Country ruled by Idi Amin in the 1970s.: Uganda
Charlie’s __, series about female crime fighters.: Angels
Michael __, US Olympic swimmer with 23 gold medals.: Phelps
Alternative route when road is closed.: Detour
Changes gear.: Shifts
George __, Australian director of Mad Max.: Miller
Zodiac twins.: Gemini
Banged by judges to proclaim rulings.: Gavels
Neil Simon’s first name (same as Paranoid Android).: Marvin
Require.: Oblige
What drummers have in order to play in time.: Rhythm
Lightheartedness, humour.: Levity
Soft floor covering underfoot in a room.: Carpet
Struggling, dealing with a loss.: Coping
A pillar, holds up a building.: Column
Country where Mt. Ararat is located.: Turkey
Mary of __; Italian queen consort of James II.: Modena
Detective; investigator.: Sleuth
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To stamp an outline on a surface.: Imprint
Webpage set up by an ardent follower of a star.: Fansite
Piece of fabric worn on the upper part of sleeves.: Armband
This country has a very popular blue lagoon.: Iceland
Speaking furry toys, must-have of the late 1990s.: Furbies
Narrow strip of land with water on either side.: Isthmus
French term for dipping veggies in boiling water.: Blanche
Raining heavily.: Pouring
Nationality of tennis player Novak Djokovic.: Serbian
Something given gratis.: Freebie
What the clocks are doing in Dalí’s famous artwork.: Melting
Changed into an animal.: Shifted
Italian saint and philosopher, Thomas __.: Aquinas
Protective care or guardianship of someone.: Custody
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Thrusting into water to clear blockage.: Plunging
Precious green jewels.: Emeralds
Definiteness, conclusiveness.: Finality
Scuba equipment invented by Cousteau.: Aqua lung
Diminished, reduced.: Dampened
Tennis scoring system introduced at 6 games apiece.: Tiebreak
Leans back.: Reclines
Spaniel cross-breed with a curly-haired dog.: Cockapoo
__ Thornton, once married to Angelina Jolie.: Billy bob
Gap or ambiguity in the law.: Loophole
Large, front part of the brain.: Cerebrum
Warming rays that boost Vitamin D supplies.: Sunlight
Off-chance; fluke.: Long shot
A shareholder’s part of a company’s product.: Dividend
Dead end, road with only one way in and out.: Cul de sac
Indonesian island once called Celebes.: Sulawesi
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Study of friction, wear between surfaces.: Tribology
Iron Man’s identity.: Tony stark
Sticky material pieces played with by kids.: Fuzzy felt
Another name for tea tree oil.: Melaleuca
Adolescent, whippersnapper.: Youngster
Most populous Central American country.: Guatemala
Mental health disorder: total disregard for others.: Sociopath
Relating to memory or reasoning processes.: Cognitive
Site of Beatles music studio and zebra crossing.: Abbey road
Someone with an irrational fear of food.: Cibophobe
Retribution.: Vengeance
At Christmas, the bird found in a pear tree.: Partridge
Taken to hospital by helicopter or plane.: Airlifted
Soft, smoked Italian cheese.: Provolone
Device for storing computer data.: Hard drive
Group 415
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Deep-rooted; with firm foundations.: Ingrained
Terribly fierce and dangerous.: Ferocious
Where local produce might be sold.: Farmstand
Passing on, e.g. knowledge or wisdom.: Imparting
S Indian state; its capital is Bangalore.: Karnataka
Providing psychological relief, emotional release.: Cathartic
Ancient past, preceding the Middle Ages.: Antiquity
A person with senior responsibility in business.: Executive
__ James Moriarty, Sherlock Holmes’ nemesis.: Professor
High-rate data connection to the Internet.: Broadband
Person who directs an orchestra.: Conductor
Pet __, job title for Ace Ventura.: Detective
Surface for a billiards-type game.: Pool table
You can use it to see the stars.: Telescope
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“Goody goody __”, a sweet turn of phrase.: Gumdrops
You mean this when adding BTW to a mail or text.: By the way
Tennis player Andy Murray’s nationality.: Scottish
A grump, a whiner, or a kitten sucking a lemon.: Sourpuss
Anne Boleyn’s fate.: Beheaded
Obstruction or occlusion.: Blockage
Could be sunny side up or over easy.: Fried egg
Southern Italy’s two islands: Sicily and __.: Sardinia
Resembling a castle or a large royal residence.: Palatial
Base chemicals.: Elements
Rough number of passengers on a full ship.: Boatload
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Begged.: Implored
Composer Franz __, wrote the Trout Quintet.: Schubert
Worries.: Concerns
Second tenet of the French Revolution, in English.: Equality
Covered walkway in a convent.: Cloister
Lasagna-loving orange cat.: Garfield
Pink alloy of copper and precious metal.: Rose gold
An agreement.: Covenant
Supersonic passenger plane.: Concorde
Garment that sits above the wearer’s hips.: High rise
The state or fact of existing.: Presence
Very hot, like sausages on a BBQ.: Sizzling
__ fracture, aka stress fracture.: Hairline
Bookish, inclined to study.: Studious
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Stealing.: Robbing
English breath mint brand since the late 1700s.: Altoids
Weights exercise for thighs.: Leg curl
Furry-skinned, round summer fruits good with cream.: Peaches
Protein found in nails, hair, and hoofs.: Keratin
Long angry critical rants.: Tirades
Noise-makers in game shows.: Buzzers
Galileo __, Italian astronomer and physicist.: Galilei
Fifth letter of the Greek alphabet.: Epsilon
Joy, elation.: Ecstasy
Band best known for Livin’ on a Prayer.: Bon jovi
Of colours that are dim or muted.: Subdued
Green Arrow is accomplished at this sport.: Archery
Ancient Roman city buried after volcanic eruption.: Pompeii
Woman’s undergarments for training the torso.: Corsets
Conflict that inspired a poem by Tennyson: __ War.: Crimean
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Medical term for a nonmalignant tumor.: Benign
__ caramel, savory seasoned sweet sauce.: Salted
Parade __, decorated vehicles from Carnival.: Floats
Twisted rope-like designs in knitting.: Cables
Prejudiced over someone’s gender.: Sexist
Use an alternative route, avoiding city centre.: Bypass
__ weenie is very small.: Teenie
Not clearly visible.: Blurry
Buttons or pins, small images to be added to blogs.: Badges
Protective garments worn in the kitchen.: Aprons
Mercenaries in feudal Japan.: Ninjas
Only non-Scandanvian country bordering Finland.: Russia
Full-bodied; like a rich, flavorful wine.: Robust
The least common.: Rarest
Central and South American alligator relative.: Caiman
America’s Got __, variety show.: Talent
Volcanic stone.: Pumice
Chinese mythology’s animal with a prehensile tail.: Monkey
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One more.: Another
Seat of national government.: Capital
Large avian friend of Snuffleupagus.: Big bird
Africa’s largest country.: Algeria
A dark sweet sherry.: Amoroso
Disease caused by plasmodium parasites.: Malaria
Silvery metal used in batteries and some medicines.: Lithium
A stop between flights.: Layover
Convict known for his number, 24601, Jean ___.: Valjean
King or queen.: Monarch
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The bone next to the tibia.: Fibula
Pencil topper.: Eraser
Production amount of a factory.: Output
__ Bravo, muscly blond cartoon character.: Johnny
In football, a crucial pass that results in a goal.: Assist
Farrah Fawcett __, blonde Charlie’s Angel.: Majors
A photograph taken by you, of you.: Selfie
Largest city in Switzerland.: Zurich
Road from ancient Rome to southern Italy: __ Way.: Appian
Spanish fried dough treat dipped in chocolate.: Churro
Fury Road’s protagonist.: Mad max
Country where the Battle of Agincourt took place.: France
Hot under the __, means angry or annoyed.: Collar
Cook in water just below the boiling point.: Coddle
Justly, evenly.: Fairly
__ Scream, band led by Bobby Gillespie.: Primal
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Cloudy skies with no sun.: Overcast
Describes all animal species living in an area.: Wildlife
Pinball parts for striking the ball.: Flippers
Negatively charged particle, not a proton.: Electron
Cherry-stone movie: The Witches of __.: Eastwick
Changed a little, updated with tweaks.: Modified
Single-celled organisms, such as an amoeba.: Protozoa
Body of water between the UK and Norway.: North sea
Largest piece of fabric on a boat.: Mainsail
Brain __; Nintendo puzzle game franchise.: Training
Neck pain from a sudden and hard stop.: Whiplash
Cooking vegetables above a pan of boiling water.: Steaming
Era of 70s music with glitter, satin and make-up.: Glam rock
Mark made by a sharp metal sewing implement.: Pinprick
To remove money from an account.: Withdraw
Careful, watchful.: Vigilant
Following someone stealthily.: Stalking
Endangered largest living primates: Eastern __.: Gorillas
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Mop up last bit of Italian sauce: “fare la __”.: Scarpetta
Story with a princess, e.g. Snow White.: Fairy tale
Demanding money through threats.: Extortion
Five-pointed star.: Pentagram
Forestalled.: Preempted
An organisational body created for a certain purpose.: Institute
A person’s home.: Residence
Greenish-blue semiprecious stone used in jewelry.: Turquoise
Pleased, satisfied.: Gratified
Rule by the rich, government by the few.: Oligarchy
Australian double-Oscar winner Cate __.: Blanchett
Wishful thinkers, fantasists.: Idealists
Type of substance which blocks electricity flow.: Inhibitor
Revolting.: Sickening
Action to close a frozen PC application.: Force quit
Physical activity routines.: Exercises
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A person who boasts.: Braggart
Seaworthy, anagram of Isabella.: Sailable
Recurring periodically.: Cyclical
People’s __ on Facebook show their profile/posts.: Accounts
When __; weeping birds hit for Prince.: Doves cry
White sauce with butter, flour and milk.: Bechamel
Medical term for mercury poisoning: __ disease.: Minamata
Sofia is capital of this Eastern European country.: Bulgaria
Maleficent actress, __ Jolie.: Angelina
X marks the spot for buried ____.: Treasure
Murderer of an important person.: Assassin
Group 417
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The sources of information in a course.: Textbooks
British queen during the time of Shakespeare: __ I.: Elizabeth
Jesus Christ __ by Andrew Lloyd Webber.: Superstar
Boat that carries large containers.: Cargo ship
Belle of the ball at school party.: Prom queen
The original meat pattie in a bun.: Hamburger
Daisy weed used to make wishes.: Dandelion
Takes a moment.: Hesitates
Insect with taste buds in its feet.: Butterfly
Doctor visit to one’s home.: House call
Lively, full of energy, especially of older people.: Sprightly
Teams that play in the ultimate cup match.: Finalists
Battlestar __; sci-fi TV series with Dirk Benedict.: Galactica
To dehydrate food at low temperatures.: Freeze dry
International airport in Rome, code FCO.: Fiumicino
Frank Lloyd Wright’s profession.: Architect
Mixtures of two or more elements, in science.: Compounds
Capital of Romania bordering capital of Hungary.: Bucharest
Stage name of singer born as Katheryn Hudson.: Katy perry
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__ Amphitheatre; Rome’s Colosseum.: Flavian
Two-shelled sea creature.: Bivalve
__ League; DC Comics team of superheroes.: Justice
19th C nationalists fighting for Irish freedom.: Fenians
Very slow moving thick ice mass from unmelted snow.: Glacier
Chocolate and cream glaze used to cover pastries.: Ganache
__ Abbey; stately home drama series.: Downton
Little __ Boy, pa rum pum pum pum.: Drummer
Speaking in __, also known as glossolalia.: Tongues
__ faire; economic policy with little interference.: Laissez
Switches for adjusting brightness.: Dimmers
Schulz cartoons with Charlie Brown and Snoopy.: Peanuts
Circus __, sporting arena of ancient Rome.: Maximus
Stands firm in wanting something.: Insists
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Insulted, anagram of delights.: Slighted
Old furniture and other old items with value.: Antiques
Nationality of author Margaret Atwood.: Canadian
Sign up again.: Reenlist
Impose on someone’s generosity.: Freeload
Collectible stones masquerading as companions.: Pet rocks
Restoration to initial state.: Reversal
Rigid airship with German name.: Zeppelin
The ninth plague of Egypt.: Darkness
Involuntary expelling of air/mucus from the nose.: Sneezing
Joaquin Phoenix’s character in Gladiator.: Commodus
Melodic container for jewellery.: Music box
A follower of Jerry Garcia’s band.: Deadhead
__ combustion engine; invented by Étienne Lenoir.: Internal
Beating of wings.: Flapping
Vitality, enthusiasm, liveliness.: Vibrancy
Kickboxing foot strike not from the front.: Side kick
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Spy drama series starring Claire Danes.: Homeland
Cutlery for measuring and stirring sugar in cups.: Teaspoon
Mocking or teasing unkindly.: Taunting
Those past their peak.: Has beens
Margaret Thatcher’s nickname, The __.: Iron lady
Splash with flecks of liquid.: Splatter
Singing as a duo.: Duetting
Sabena Airlines replacement: __ Airlines.: Brussels
Assemble, organize.: Compiled
German highway.: Autobahn
Stolen, looted.: Pilfered
Tiredness, sluggishness, fatigue.: Lethargy
Fluffy winter coverings for the sides of the head.: Ear muffs
Large city at the mouth of he Yangtze River.: Shanghai
Sudden release of emotion.: Outburst
Skilled shooters.: Marksmen
Silver adhesive used by handymen.: Duct tape
French general, Charles __.: De gaulle
Country where Satpara Lake is located.: Pakistan
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Delays something from occurring.: Stalls
The day after Thursday.: Friday
Tiny bits of dry materials used to start a fire.: Tinder
Jackal-headed god associated with mummification.: Anubis
Defames someone in print.: Libels
__ of luck, good fortune happening by chance.: Stroke
Friendly cartoon ghost.: Casper
Humble, unassuming.: Modest
New York City’s largest borough.: Queens
Idiosyncratic, oddball, eccentric.: Quirky
Hard spice seed that can be grated.: Nutmeg
Book of recollection.: Memoir
The __ Woman, 70s sci fi show about Jaime Sommers.: Bionic
Cerebral __, made of gray matter.: Cortex
Luke Skywalker actor, Mark __.: Hamill
Group 418
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It fastens your shorts.: Button
White stone used in kitchen surfaces & sculptures.: Marble
Italian word for flute.: Flauto
__ and bustle, rhyming phrase for frantic activity.: Hustle
Resolve or reach an agreement.: Settle
Greek god of darkness.: Erebus
Mexican painter Diego __, married to Frida Kahlo.: Rivera
Ancient Egyptian capital, within modern-day Luxor.: Thebes
Eddie __, Shrek’s Donkey.: Murphy
Split or sever meat, along the grain.: Cleave
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Allowed, permitted, gave consent to.: Granted
Meaningful sayings adopted by families.: Mottoes
Came out from somewhere.: Emerged
Bending.: Curving
Hugh Hefner’s magazine.: Playboy
__ Faso, country renamed in 1984 from Upper Volta.: Burkina
Abraham’s oldest son, as told in the Bible.: Ishmael
Pavarotti’s profession prior to singing opera.: Teacher
A sequence of film clips edited and put together.: Montage
Muriel’s __, early Aussie hit for Toni Collette.: Wedding
Steered wildly.: Swerved
“Eat, drink and __”.: Be merry
Point of no return for some ships: __ Triangle.: Bermuda
__ degeneration, ageing eye condition.: Macular
Where baseball pitchers warm up.: Bullpen
Edible fish has wide mouth and extruded bottom lip.: Grouper
Animal who sings when the sun rises.: Rooster
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Moving in circles, like a rotating door.: Revolving
Timber that has been washed ashore.: Driftwood
Names written of people that have been ostracized.: Blacklist
Ant-eating animals from Africa, with large ears.: Aardvarks
Colourful connection of devices by short distance.: Bluetooth
Comprehensive; covering all the services.: Inclusive
Particularly dazzling diamond cut.: Brilliant
Stubborn, determined, hanging on tightly.: Tenacious
Of a machine suffering a sudden malfunction.: Glitching
Reasoning, basis for thinking.: Rationale
____ shops, small businesses run by a couple.: Momandpop
Reusing household waste.: Recycling
Jewish Day of Atonement.: Yom kippur
Clinical measurement, e.g. pulse rate, temperature.: Vital sign
Raw fish cafes.: Sushi bars
An individual taking part in a war.: Combatant
Time period in which humans began using metals.: Bronze age
Half-human and half-robot, such as in Blade Runner.: Replicant
American author who penned The Godfather.: Mario puzo
Second largest country in South America by area.: Argentina
Comedy drama about the Gallagher family.: Shameless
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To have the opposite effect of what was intended.: Backfire
Worms that have many body segments.: Annelids
Friendly, likes being around people.: Sociable
Dribble in anticipation of food.: Salivate
TV apparatus that converts signals into pictures.: Receiver
Someone who travels the oceans, nautical explorer.: Seafarer
Edible flatfish; make clumsy movements.: Flounder
Recoil when a gun is fired.: Kick back
First year student.: Freshman
Edgar __, horror writer of The Tell-Tale Heart.: Allan poe
Inflicted sanctions.: Punished
Neatening, rearranging.: Sprucing
Disease characterized by high blood glucose.: Diabetes
Tennis play: the ball pops gently over the net.: Drop shot
“Don’t count your __ before they hatch”.: Chickens
Turn on, make a machine start.: Activate
Act with the Heartbreakers as his backing group.: Tom petty
Oil-processing plant.: Refinery
Film: __ of the Corn.: Children
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Halting.: Stopping
Chinese dish with meat and bean sprouts.: Chop suey
Disease associated with severe niacin deficiency.: Pellagra
Brand slogan: The best a man can get.: Gillette
Microscopic organisms that float in the ocean.: Plankton
Small sweep of hair pressed to the forehead.: Kiss curl
Landlocked country whose capital is Gaborone.: Botswana
Assassinated Dominican Republic leader: Rafael __.: Trujillo
Sat lazily.: Slouched
Spiral threads of a climbing plant.: Tendrils
People who post regular online articles.: Bloggers
Former file-sharing service with green logo.: Limewire
Hitting sticks onto skins making percussive sounds.: Drumming
Person or team least likely to win.: Underdog
On your own two feet.: Standing
Narrow glass vessel used to heat chemicals in labs.: Test tube
Group 419
Puzzle 1 Answers
Largest city in Victoria, Australia.: Melbourne
Sellers, vendors.: Retailers
High seating in pubs and drinking establishments.: Bar stools
He played Mr. Big in Sex and the City.: Chris noth
A divisive issue, can have serious consequences.: Fault line
It killed the cat.: Curiosity
Salacious online story to encourage site visits.: Clickbait
Oscar __, late Dominican fashion designer.: De la renta
Person who passes away without leaving a will.: Intestate
__ rate; e.g. number of deaths in a year.: Mortality
Swedish tennis legend, no. 1 six times 1977-1981.: Bjorn borg
People who finance and manage the making of a film.: Producers
Clean, not tarnished, generally of reputations.: Unsullied
A piece of public outdoor furniture.: Park bench
Large Italian lake, in Perugia province.: Trasimeno
Its capital is Jakarta.: Indonesia
” ____ roasting on an open fire”, popular carol.: Chestnuts
Skill used by Sherlock Holmes in solving crimes.: Deduction
Wind that comes off the ocean.: Sea breeze
Puzzle 2 Answers
Mozart’s first name.: Wolfgang
Afternoon gathering with hot drinks and cakes.: Tea party
Birth city of Barack Obama.: Honolulu
Remembered.: Recalled
Expressed, passed along.: Conveyed
Artist’s device for spraying paint.: Air brush
Large Hadron __, the largest particle accelerator.: Collider
Sea to the west of the Balkan Peninsula.: Adriatic
Soften food by soaking in liquid.: Macerate
Swift antelopes found on African grassland plains.: Gazelles
Word board game with tiles.: Scrabble
Safety check that a vehicle is working properly.: Road test
Nation ruled by Doctor Doom in Marvel Comics.: Latveria
Fragment of wood caught in a finger perhaps.: Splinter
Peter Pan’s young male companions in Neverland.: Lost boys
Shallow container for holding bars of suds.: Soap dish
Career for which one feels particularly suitable.: Vocation
Defames in speech.: Slanders
Those with nothing between the ears.: Airheads
Relating to the Milky Way.: Galactic
Puzzle 3 Answers
Impetus gained by a moving object.: Momentum
Newest named ocean, acknowledged in 2000.: Southern
__ Sam, archenemy of Bugs Bunny.: Yosemite
Automatic, unthinking, e.g. a __ reaction.: Kneejerk
People who post regular video blog updates.: Vloggers
Observant, keeping a close eye.: Watchful
Comporting oneself correctly.: Behaving
Lachrymose channel in the eye.: Tear duct
Swankiness, luxuriousness, grandeur.: Opulence
Grease rendered from strips of pig meat.: Bacon fat
Putters hit it.: Golf ball
__, like Chewbacca, come from Kashyyk in Star Wars.: Wookiees
Second Estate, French social order pre-Revolution.: Nobility
Long-tailed tropical tree-living monkey.: Marmoset
Gland that is only found in males.: Prostate
They’re good for holding bubbles and for relaxing.: Bathtubs
Medical, scientific.: Clinical
Puzzle 4 Answers
Sons of __; crime drama about motorcycle club.: Anarchy
Watered down.: Diluted
Disease spread by animals; heavy metal band.: Anthrax
System of raised dots essential for blind people.: Braille
Submarine missile.: Torpedo
Win, triumph.: Prevail
Cylindrical clay oven used in Indian cuisine.: Tandoor
Freddy __ of Nightmare on Elm street.: Krueger
A large cup or goblet for drinking wine.: Chalice
Movie and music legend who played Dorothy, Judy __.: Garland
Sugary, milky, buttery sauce is a sweet topping.: Caramel
The O in the sporting body IOC.: Olympic
A great deal, hard to resist.: Bargain
Mexican peninsula with Chichen Itza site.: Yucatan
State of being abjectly poor.: Poverty
Another name for fabric, especially in art context.: Textile
Colonel __, military character from Clue game.: Mustard
Puzzle 5 Answers
Film production house.: Studio
Compelled to act in a certain way.: Driven
Mend.: Repair
To inflict harm on behalf of another harmed.: Avenge
__ the Sailor, Arabic seafarer of legend.: Sinbad
Morning joe.: Coffee
__ once, shame on you; Italian proverb.: Fool me
Paris museum with glass pyramid.: Louvre
Both India and Bangladesh share this river’s delta.: Ganges
Strong, effective, especially of pharmaceuticals.: Potent
School uniform jacket.: Blazer
Wild horse tamed in the book by Mary O’Hara.: Flicka
The ability to think & behave in a rational manner.: Sanity
Group 420
Puzzle 1 Answers
Organising, sorting out methodically.: Arranging
Longest river in SW Asia.: Euphrates
Uprising, riot.: Rebellion
Elvis Presley’s mansion, now a museum.: Graceland
Filled with stuff; messily arranged.: Cluttered
Ruled by all; system started by the Greeks.: Democracy
Procedural problem-solving by a computer.: Algorithm
They are for tying bows on your feet.: Shoelaces
Made less loose.: Tightened
Showing moderation or self-restraint.: Temperate
eaten at the start of a meal.: Appetizer
U.S. actor & rapper, the Fresh Prince.: Will smith
Destined to happen, down to fate.: Meant to be
Ukraine-born Black Swan Hollywood actress.: Mila kunis
Nontechnical term for tsunami.: Tidal wave
Late evening venue with music and dancing.: Nightclub
Moves from one place to another.: Transfers
Puzzle 2 Answers
Shakespearean character: king of the fairies.: Oberon
Found in, or produced by the sea.: Marine
He flew too close to the Sun.: Icarus
Scary movie series with ghostly mask.: Scream
Tacky, cheap, tasteless; the taste of gorgonzola.: Cheesy
__ Swift released 1989 and Red.: Taylor
Glassy or vitreous covering, or a paint type.: Enamel
For keeping money safe when out and about.: Wallet
Of time, to go by.: Elapse
Motion pictures as found on YouTube.: Videos
Hung around for someone.: Waited
Puzzle 3 Answers
Scrape or laceration.: Abrasion
Like something lightweight that can be carried.: Handheld
Walking with long steps.: Striding
Broadcast a programme or sports event online.: Streamed
Rarely occurring lunar experience.: Blue moon
Castrated or spayed.: Neutered
Nationality of a native of Zagreb or Split.: Croatian
Accounts in other countries, hard to trace.: Offshore
Ancient Greek lyric poet with an Acropolis statue.: Anacreon
System of symbols used to represent numbers.: Notation
__ of Fire, movie centred on the 1924 Olympics.: Chariots
Picasso anti-war mural for bombed Spanish village.: Guernica
List of all the letters, A-Z.: Alphabet
Fixed or mended something that was broken.: Repaired
Wheel of Fortune or Jeopardy, say.: Game show
Puzzle 4 Answers
Ain’t No __ High Enough, Marvin Gaye love song.: Mountain
Chair made to seat two amorous people.: Loveseat
Powers that form patterns between planets.: Energies
Boating sport, a bit like kayaking.: Canoeing
__ Mead, US anthropologist.: Margaret
Relied on.: Depended
Engulfing with water.: Flooding
Italian flat bread made with olive oil.: Focaccia
Shame, scandal and ignominy.: Disgrace
Once you pop, you can’t stop eating these chips.: Pringles
Arriving; opposite of outgoing.: Incoming
Madeleine __; first female US secretary of state.: Albright
Breakdown vehicle for moving immobile vehicles.: Tow truck
Monty Python’s Broadway musical.: Spamalot
__ Clooney, George’s actress aunt.: Rosemary
Puzzle 5 Answers
Hunting industry of the oceans.: Whaling
Spooked, frequented by spirits.: Haunted
Famous diaper brand.: Huggies
Prim and demure, overmodest.: Prudish
Pouring oil over roasted meats.: Basting
Country whose capital and largest city is Tallinn.: Estonia
Every Breath __; 1983 hit for The Police.: You take
Administration of law, upholding of rights.: Justice
Brand perfumer of Hypnose and Poeme.: Lancome
Error in printed text, corrected in next edition.: Erratum
Shutter __, press this button to take a photo.: Release
Provider of input on the outcome of a sports event.: Tipster
Members of the ruling family.: Royalty
The sustained bombardment of a trench line.: Barrage